
Get Off The Cross

ok so has anyone bothered to really take a look at iconic imagery that is so very subtle yet so powerful in regard to the hegemonic control of religious doctrine and how it affects the very psyche of the 78% of Americans that believe there is a GOD?
It's simple but I have questioned it for a long time.
It is the fact that whenever anyone enters a church of whatever sect, there is usually a cross or a sculpture of a cross with Christ still on it.
Whats up with that? Isn't the point really in regard to faith is that he got off that cross?
After all the imagery is very affective, as it infers that Christ suffered and that we "Owe" it to the church and religious order to"believe"and act according to their rules.
I am not saying that we shouldn't believe in something greater than ourselves since even the natural realm has an intelligent order.
I am saying that maybe if the religious orders want more people to believe, it would be more convincing to have sculptures of maybe Christ ascending as a focal point of the church. After all he did come back from the dead...so why stop at the crucifixion? Because it is imagery that works....it keeps people in a submissive state of shame and managablility. that's why.

I believe what Stephen Covey, American leadership expert said:: "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey; we are spiritual beings on a human journey.

Religious doctrine is one of the strongest hegemonic forces in place to hold human kind in check, just like governmental rule. It is shameful that this country's Christian Right and other sects have skewed the truth so much that prejudice and misinformation abound.

I am tired of seeing these emails fly around too that reiterate that our country was founded on Christianity.
This is absolutely not true. This country was founded on religious freedom. English rule dictated one religion and that was it. So this country was really founded by religious radicals and unwanted people of England's cast offs.....criminals. Jefferson and all of those who signed the declaration of Independence knew the importance of keeping church and state separate;they lived through it. They knew it was dangerous for the people.
Please don't misinterpret my rant here. I have a faith that works for me. Billions of people get results for living faithfully, it works for them and me.
But lets get JC off the cross. After all he did make it clear that we have free will to decide. It is ultimately our choice.

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